Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015

Japan Trip 2015 → Arrival Day

Hello guys!
Today I'm finally taking the time to tell you more about my trip to Japan in August.
I already made two VLOGs, but there's so much more to say and also I want to
show you better pictures.

So we started our journey on the 16th of August, two days after my birthday. It felt so weird because we just celebrated my birthday the day before and I had my head anywhere but on the trip. So I only realized that everything was happening when we arrived in Narita.
My parents and my boyfriend brought us to the airport and I was very glad about
that, since I've had been worrying about the trip (especially the flight) for a long time.
Saying goodbye was hard too. I'm not even a person to get homesick, but this was my first really
long flight without my parents or any other adult person (I'm an adult too, I know ; ;) and I have
terrible anxiety when it comes to flying, but in the end we had a pretty good flight! 


We arrived in Tokyo at about 8 o clock in the morning, so we had the first day as a whole
(at least that's what we thought :'D).

It didn't take long for us to find our Airbnb since we both had mobile apps for the public transport in Tokyo. The weather was terrible though, and there even was a small taifun that forced us to stay indoors until the evening. It was a bit unfortunate, but on the other hand we could cure our jetleg a bit. When we went out in the evening we chose to go to Shinjuku first, since that was close by.
We got a bit lost at first, because we didn't know where to go so we spontaneously decided to go to Shibuya because I wanted to check out 109.

We were lucky and 109 was still open, so of course we took the chance to do our first little shopping! I think I've never been more excited in my life than in the moment where we saw the big crossing in Shibuya with all the people, the lights and 109 in the distance.

I bought a super cute dress at Liz Lisa and a two piece set at Spiga! Of course we checked out the other stores as well. I just love the way the stores are designed in 109 or generally most fashion stores in Tokyo. They have such a nice decoration and the costumer service is A+++ (I'm not used to friendly shop staff here in Berlin..)
We then went to get something to eat and returned to our house because we wanted to get up a bit earlier the next day to go to Harajuku. And that's basically it, our first day in Tokyo! :)
Next up is Harajuku and probably Asakusa + Akiba too!

We didn't do much on that first day, but I hope you
enjoyed this blog post and keep on reading my trip reports. 
See you next time!


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