Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2015

Japan Trip 2015 → 1st Day: Harajuku

                                                                     ♡Hey everyone!
Welcome to part 2 of my Japan trip reports :)
If you haven't already please watch my Harajuku VLOG!

So on our first full day in Tokyo we went to Harajuku. That was something I've had been looking forward to for years, honestly and it was so great to finally go there, see everything and of course go crazy with shopping! ^^  We also did our first purikura in Tokyo :)

On that day I wore my Liz Lisa one piece I bought the day before at Shibuya 109.
When we went into Liz Lisa in Harajuku the shop girls of course recognized my dress and were super lovely ♡ They also complimented my nails and I was soo happy because I had them done for the first time before the trip :)
And oh my god, this was probably the highlight of this day: we randomly ran into Xiaxue in one of the shops!!! She's soooo so pretty and nice too, but I look like a potato sack next to her xDD

We were quite lucky because we arrived during the week, not the weekend so Takeshita Dori was not as crowded as on Saturday/Sunday (no fun, I swear). Basically we spend the whole day checking out all the shops at least once or twice and then looked around the closer area around Takeshita street. Sadly we didn't get to visit Meiji shrine because it was too late, but we enjoyed a nice walk through the park. 

Man, I love that melon fanta and I'm missing it sooo much!! The grape flavored one as well ; ;
Apparently we have the melon flavored one in Germany too but I haven't seen it yet...if you know where to get that in Berlin please tell me!!

Okay by the way here's a little confession: Since we don't have cicadas here in Germany and I've never been to a country with cicadas before I always thought that they were nocturnal insects... OTL
Let's leave it at that... :'D

 Since it was super dark when we returned I couldn't really record my haul in nice quality, so I made a picture instead. You will see me wearing almost everything at least once throughout this blog series anyway ^^ So here it goes!
I'll try to list it from left to right:
Pink Umbrella - Baby the Stars Shine Bright, bought at La Foret
The black blouse at the top left - Angelic Pretty, bought at Closet Child
Cotton Candy t-shirt - Milklim
Baby blue shirt and lilac shirt next to it - Listen Flavor
Black shirt with gray gingham sleeves - Ank Rouge
Black and pink bow + beige hair tie - Paris Kid's
Pastel bag on the top right - WEGO
White sukapan + pink shirt under it - Audrey
Socks - Porta Portese

I couldn't wait to try on some of the stuff I bough earlier, so I quickly put together a casual pastel outfit for going out to eat in the evening :) 
Our first day was really really wonderful and very exhausting, but I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would and even a bit more! I really wish beaming and that portal traveling stuff would was real, because if it was, I'd probably beam myself over to Takeshita Dori every weekend. Or every second day, I'm not sure about that :'D

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I hope you will join me in my next post too!
See you next time!


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