Mittwoch, 25. November 2015

KawaiiBox Review + Giveaway!!

Hello guys!
Today I'm back with another review for KawaiiBox :)
I did another review for them which you can
watch on youtube here, in case you don't know KawaiiBox yet.
I also did a review of their JapanCandyBox that you can watch here!

Both services are quite similar:
They are both subscriptional and in case of the KawaiiBox you
get 10-12 cute Japanese and Korean items and if you subscribe
to JapanCandyBox you will get the same amount of Korean
and Japanese sweets.
The KawaiiBox costs $17,90 a month if you pay for
half a year or a whole year and the shipping is free 
worldwide too.

At the end of this blog post you will also have the chance
to enter a giveaway to win the latest KawaiiBox, so make
sure to check out my post until the end and join in :)

Now let's have a look at the KawaiiBox of October!

Those are all the items in October's box, don't they
look super cute already? >w<

The first item was this cute flan plushie. I saw
human sized ones on twitter and tumblr a few times and 
thought that they were really cute!
This one is small, but super soft and it has an empty
space inside where you can keep some secrets ;)

 The next two items are two really cute coin pouches.
I personally don't use coin pouches that much, so I'll rather
put some of my most used makeup in the yellow one.
The right pouch is pretty tiny, but big enough to keep some
changing money in it.

There were so many cute stationary items in the box this time *^*
I especially love the stickers on the right and the cat stickers.
I can't wait to find something I can decorate with them!
On the left you can see heart shaped glitter flakes that can be
used for nail art, but also when creating resin jewelry. I really
want to try that some time!

More stationary, yaaay!!
I absolutely adore the lollipop pen, but it looks
too real haha, I'm really tempted to check :D
The middle item(s) are super cute envelopes with an onion print.
They really make me want to send a letter to someone ^^
On the right you can see a rolling stamp set. 

Here's a closeup of the lollipop pen.
So cute, right? 

Next up are the sweets that were in this month's box!
First is a poop shaped lollipop, I wonder what it tastes like ^^

Last but not least we have some DIY sushi candy.
I already tried some of them and they're pretty yummy ^^

Those were all the items from October's KawaiiBox, what do you think?
I personally loved all the cute stationary stuff. The plushie is also
super sweet! So far I've only had good experiences with KawaiiBox
and JapanCandyBox and this time too :) It's really the cutest 
subscriptional service I know.
You might wonder why I'm doing October's KawaiiBox at the end of
November. Well, German post and customs can be quite a bother
sometimes and so it took almost a month for the box to arrive at my place,
but I've read other reviews as well and most of the people seem to get their
stuff quickly, so for me it was bad luck I guess ^^'

As I said in the beginning you will now have the chance to win
a KawaiiBox yourself! All you have to do is join in with the
rafflecopter widget below. Collect as many entries as you like!
You can come back daily to check if you can get more entries.
Don't forget to enter your URLs!

Good luck and see you next time!

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