Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Kairi's 1st SheIn Review

Hello guys,
It's autumn already, I can't believe it!

Sadly I've been very busy with work since I came back from
my trip to Japan (gonna write more about that in a different post) 
and I didn't even have the time to tell you much about the trip either.

Halloween is coming up too, are you excited yet? *-*
I am! Gonna watch the League of Legends World's finale
on the 31st, so I'll probably dress up as a character from the game.
What are you going to be on halloween? I'd love to hear your costume ideas :)

So for now I'll start with another sponsored post for SheIn (formerly Sheinside).
This is my first review for them, but I'm pretty sure that they're a well known store!

For this review I chose the following item:

I'm so happy to finally have a pair of these to complete 
my full cat outfit ;D I already posted it on twitter and instagram,
but now having these shoes it's perfect!
Honestly I love love LOVE cats, so I just had to pick them.

That's how the shoes were packed:

Detail closeup:

Look who's got interested ^^

They also have a soft footbed included:

 Reviewing time!

Design: 5/5
The design is absolutely lovely and I love all the little
details on the shoes, such as the ears coming out and
the heart shaped nose. They also have this matte, velvet material
which makes you think even more about an elegant kitty.

Quality: 5/5
From what I can say the quality looks totally fine.
They appear to be pretty well processed and they also have 
an included footbed, which you don't find on cheaper shoes
too often. 

Sizing / Fit: 3.5/5
Well, I really can't give 5/5 here :/ 
I have a pretty small EU 38 (often wear EU 37) and ordered those shoes in 
38 as well and they run super small on me. In fact the end of
the shoe is really pressing into my heel. I hope I can fix that
with some gel pads and walking in them more often.
Definitely check the size and measure your feet before buying!

Overall: 4/5
I do love the shoes a lot but I'm kind of sad that they
are so small on me. Still a super cute shoe and if you check your
size I'd definitely recommend them to you!
Must have for every cat lover ;)

Have some worn photos as well :3

Yup, that's my cat themed outfit! I'm really happy how
this turned out, since I always wanted an outfit dedicated to my 
favorite animal ;)

Here's the outfit rundown:
Hat: ebay
Shirt: Listen Flavor
Cardigan: Primark
Trousers: UNIQLO
Socks: WEGO
Shoes: SheIn

Thank you for reading my review! I can't wait to show
you more from SheIn in a few weeks (there's another parcel
on the way to my place ).
Until then enjoy the pretty autumn colors and try not go get sick like me :(
I'm having the flu right now, but I feel okay I guess ^^

Also if you liked the post please comment and follow
and if you want and check out my other social websites:
twitter: @MAD_KaiKai
Instagram: kairichang

Have a nice day! 

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