Freitag, 27. Mai 2016

Kairi's 2nd Japan Candy Box Review + Giveaway

Hello lovelies!

A while ago Blippo asked me to do another review for their
Japan Candy Box. They are also the same people who distribute the Kawaii Box.
If you haven't heard of either one yet you can check out my reviews here:


But in short: Japan Candy Box and Kawaii Box are both subscriptional
services where you get a parcel every month, filled with either cute Japanese candy
or Japanese and Korean stationary and other cute things.
Shipping is free worldwide as well!

Since I always loved the stuff they sent me I agreed to do another review for you.
I'll also host another giveaway for them soon, so stay tuned for it!

Because German customs are nasty I'll be reviewing the Japan Candy Box
of March 2016. Here we go!

Doesn't that look great already? Let's take a detailed look at everything!
This list comes with every box and will be the guide for the review:

First off are the candy sticks! They come in coca cola and grape flavor
and they are reaaaally sour. I was legitemately surprised, because a lot of German
candy that is labeled sour is not actually sour. Also it made me crave and miss
the grape soda I had in Japan, but sadly they don't sell it here u.u 
Anyways I really liked that one, it was a good start!

Next up is the Meiji x Sanrio collaboration chocolate. I was looking forward
to this one a lot, because it looked so cute and I wanted to taste these strawberry x
chocolate thingies from Meiji for a while now.

The packaging was super cute, but then

That happened ;___;

Since German customs held in the parcel for so long during extreme
heat it melted away completely. Needless to say that I was super sad :(
I still tried a bit of the chocolate and it tasted okay, but I guess the flavor had
changed due to the extreme melting.

This one is a kind of DIY kit like Poppin' Cookin', just a bit smaller.
It looks really cute and is probably super yummy as well, but I'll try this one
seperately along with a Poppin' Cookin' set I have laying around.

These are the Pizza Crackers! I expected them to have the regular bell 
pepper flavor, so I was even more surprised when they actually tasted
like pizza a lot! You really get the taste of grilled pizza crust and melted
cheese and tomatoes, which is pretty cool.

Calbee Vegetable sticks! 
We had them a lot during our Japan trip since my friend is crazy about them ^^
They actually don't take like much, only faintly like potatoes and kind of 
brothy, but somehow they're really addicting to us. Although I could understand
if someone wouldn't like them that much. They're also not really salty, I guess 
that's a thing a lot of Western people aren't used to.

These are the Meiji Mushroom Mountains, a long time favorite of mine.
They sell the Korean version here so that's why I knew them already and kept 
them closed. They're just regular biscuits with
a cute mushroom shaped chocolate top, but also very tasty ^^

Fun fact: back then, when I was a hardcore SHINee fan a friend used
to give them to me because of Taemin's bowlcut at the time, so for me
it was always the Taemin chocolate :'D

7. & 8.
Sadly I mixed up the order on these a bit > <
These are the Cola Chewy candies and the Grape Gummies.
The sizing is really tiny which is cute to try. 

To my understanding the grape thing was a chewing gum, so I didn't
open it because I didn't want to spit it out immediately after trying :(
Instead I opened the chewing candy (second pic). They are all wrapped on their own
and they are pretty thick in consistency. They had this nice regular coca cola flavor,
but I noticed, that Japanese candies over all don't have such a strong flavor as
Western candy. I don't know if this is actually true, but that was my impression. 
Feel free to share if you have the same or a differing opinion :)

Next is the Soda Candy Bar,
It's almost the same as the Cola chewing candy, it just looks
a bit different. 

Last are the 100% Full Juice Gummies.
The packaging was also rather tiny, but looked promising to me because
I love citrus fruits a lot. The candies are small and very soft and smell
(who would've thought) like orange. They are softly coated with a mildly sour powder,
probably to emulate the sour taste of oranges. To my surprise they had a very authentic
orange juice taste. These ones were also probably my favorites along with the grape soda
candy and the mushroom mountains.

If you got interested and want to try out Japan Candy Box you 
now have the chance to win the latest box by entering the giveaway below 

Good luck! 

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016

Kairi's 7th SheIn Review

♡ Hello guys! I hope you're doing good 
Right now I'm at work again and it's quite exhausting to be
honest, so excuse the lack of posts at the moment ; ;
So I'm using this day off to post another review for SheIn today.

They also have very cute swimwear at the moment, so if you're
still looking for a cute bikini go have a look! And if also need
something to wear over your swimwear at the beach take a 
look here 

This is the item I'll be reviewing today:

I picked this cardigan because I was lacking a light
alternative in my closet and because of the cute see through look.
Although the fabric looks pretty thin, it's quite firm.

Let's go onto the detailed rating:

Quality: 4/5
As mentioned above the fabric is very firm, but
I had a few strings come loose by now. Some before
and some after washing.

Sizing / Fit: 4/5
I chose size M and although the bodice part is quite loose
fitting, the shoulder hem is quite narrow, so it will occasionally
fall of my shoulders. Have that in mind when ordering.

Overall: 4/5
Very cute for everyday wear, but I could also imagine
wearing this at the beach as well :) 

Worn photos:

Outfit rundown:
Cardigan: SheIn
Crop Top: Choies
Skirt: Choies
Shoes: Street Shoe

 Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this review!
Also if you liked the post please comment and follow
and if you want and check out my other social websites:
twitter: @MAD_KaiKai
Instagram: kairichang

Have a nice day!