Samstag, 21. März 2015

Manga Comic Convention 2015 (picture heavy)

Hello there and sorry for the lack of posts recently!
Some of you might've read on my twitter that I had a surgery in
December, but as of today I'm still recovering.
That's the reason why I didn't have too much energy to do
in depth reviews and I'm very sorry for that. I'm trying
to post more again now and you can be sure that I will be
holding at least one or two giveaways in the near future!

I am happy that today I can do a casual / non review blog post
again, since it's been a while that I've done that.
The topic will be the Leipzig book fair or to be correct the Manga Comic Convention 2015.
I was in Leipzig from the 13th until the 15th of March and had the luck to get to stay at my best friend's home because she's going to university there and lives there as well.

On Saturday I finally got to wear lolita again and decided to go with one of my newest purchases, which is Angelic Pretty's Wonder Cookie skirt in the pink colorway.
I had a few coord ideas planned for this skirt, but eventually I chose this one. It is all pink and that's probably why I love it so much ^^

Skirt: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Taobao
Bag: Blackfive
Socks: Secret Shop
Shoes: Bodyline
Accessory: Handmade, ebay
Wig: ebay

The only thing I really dislike about the coord so far is the wig and its mile long bangs I forgot to cut since I was stuck in the sewing madness pre con stress, but luckily that's nothing that can't be changed. My friend (pls go check out her blog <3) looked so lovely as well and I can't help to be a bit jealous of her sweet dress ^^

Someone snapped this super cute picture of us.
Thanks to the photographer!

We also attended a big lolita meet up and it was so much fun getting to know more fellow lolitas in real life! Everyone looked sooooo pretty! Unfortunately there wasn't enough space to take a photo of the full group, but I'll try to show you as many attendees as possible ^^
Please ignore my bitch face omg haha xD

Now talking of Sunday! 
Sunday was super relaxing, since it wasn't as crowded and we weren't in such a hurry, although I've always been there until closing ^^ I could take a closer look at the booths and everything that was for sale. I managed to grab some second hand manga from an older series I barely find at book stores now. My treasure find is a very big Detective Conan special edition! It's super thick and only cost me 6€!! It's not rare or anything but I love it a lot.

I was talking about pre con stress which was mainly because I was sewing like crazy. The cosplay I wore on Sunday is Minami Kotori fom Love Live School Idol Project and her Wonderful Rush outfit.
I know that the costume is far from perfect, but I'm still a bit proud of myself because It's only my second costume and the first whole costume I did myself.


Those are some of my favorite shots! I hope you like them as much as I do :3
There are a few things I have to adjust, but other than that I'm already very happy.

That's it again for today lovelies, I hope you enjoyed that more casual entry 
and keep reading my future posts as well!
Also I wish you a great beginning of spring, enjoy the (hopefully) nice weather ^^
 If you want check out my other social websites:
twitter: @MAD_KaiKai
Instagram: kairichang

Until next time!

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