Sonntag, 29. März 2015

Kairi's Born Pretty Review Part 2/2

I'm back to regular posting again! :)
So today I'll give yo part II of my Born Pretty review, you can read part I here.
This time I'll be reviewing my first ever false bottom lashes for you aaah!

If you purchase from Born Pretty you can also use my discount
code KAIRH10 at the checkout.

This is the stock photo:
You can find further information on
the product here.

In total there are 10 pairs of lashes for the lower lid.

This is how the product looks like.
Luckily the packaging is much cuter than in the stock photo ^^ 

Of course I also tried the lashes on! Since those are really
my first bottom lashes please excuse the messiness, I'm
not really used to applying them yet > <'
I hope I can give you an impression how they look like anyway.

Here are my bare lashes. I'm wearing the 

In this picture I'm wearing the lashes.

Product rating: 4.5/5
The lashes look really cool and are definitely
noticable and put a lot of emphasis on the eyes as well.
They have this spiky / punky look and are similar
to those often used from people in KERA or other
Japanese street fashion magazines.

Despite me applying bottom lashes for the first time, I've seen other types
of upper lashes that often have longer transparent ends that make them easier to apply.
However those lashes don't have them, so it's a bit harder to get
them right I think, but this is such a small point that it's barely a bother.

Worn photos:

I really adore the lashes and I think they go really well with this kind of style :3
Also what do you think of the bunny jacket? Isn't it adorable?
I found it on ebay some weeks ago. It's super cozy and cute.

Lastly, thank you for reading my review, I definitely
recommend Born Pretty to you, since I've had two very
good buying experiences with them. Also they have so many
cool and cheap cosmetic products, so make sure to check them out
and don't forget that you can use my discount code KAIRH10 at the checkout.

Also if you liked the post please comment and follow
and if you want and check out my other social websites:
twitter: @MAD_KaiKai
Instagram: kairichang

Have a nice day! 

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