Samstag, 16. August 2014

Artist Introduction: Milktune

Hello guys, 
today I'll do something different than usual: I'll introduce an artist to you!
But, it's not any random artist but the lovely artist that drew my new header *-*

Her name is Milktune and she's from Sweden. 
I found her pictures around 2 years ago because she drew adorable
pictures of LM.C which I found on their tumblr tag :) Her style is very unique 
and I adore the combination of her way of lining and water color-ish coloration.
I'd be happy if you could check out her art on 

Actually I love all of her pictures but here are some
of my favorites!

I hope you enjoy her pictures as much as I do, so please check
out her accounts mentioned above and give her some likes
or reblogs! :)

See you next time!

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