Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013

☆ MMC 2013 ☆

Today I'll talk a bit about the MMC (Mega Manga Convention) I've attended last weekend(。◕‿◕。)

First off: it's a rather small convention that exists for about 5 or 6 years I think, but it got more and more visitors every year, so it was super crowded on Saturday (the day that I've been there). You can either buy the tickets online or at some stores or at the venue. Since I bought them at the venue last year I wanted to do it again this year, well....
I went with a friend of mine, who isn't much into anima / manga / j-fashion and stuff, but she really wanted to know what it's like to be at a convention. (She already bought a ticket before)
When we finally got there it was so crowded, that they didn't let us enter and told us, that the tickets were sold out?!! That was quite a shock for us, but we still stood in line and hoped that a friend of hers would bring a ticket along. That also failed, though.
The whole thing ended with her giving me her ticket, so I could enter. I AM SO GRATEFUL ;A; and I really felt super bad, but I am really happy she gave it to me, because it was a super fun day in the end, since I met some people again.
It was one of my friend's birthday that day and so we celebrated it a bit by eating yummy Asian food and enjoying the convention.

There was lots of booths where you could buy figures and mangas, it was really awesome and I also bought something, but I'll keep that for another blog post ;)

Another thing: on that day I kinda had my "lolita debut" heh (´▽`;)
Means, I wore lolita for the first time. It is an imperfect coord that is still missing accessoires and a nice bag and the wig is a little shiny, but I hope that it's at least decent. (If there are any experienced lolitas among my blog readers, please give me some advice on my coord, okay? (*´・v・) )
The dress is from Bodyline, obviously, but I think it's really beautiful (can't catch up to AP's Sugary Carnival of course) and I got it second hand from the comm sales, since it was sold out everywhere else in black colorway. Socks are from Secret Shop, necklace is from Cute Can Kill and the shoes are from T.U.K.

 Here it it is (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Some people even wanted to take a picture!! I was so surprised and happy! 

Hah I really need to get used to walk in high heels all day long! My feet hurt so much that I hardly didn't get home...I usually wear shoes with heels, but only 6cm and those were like 9 or 10cm? Makes a difference xD 
But even so, I had the opportunity to play Dance Dance Revolution at the con, but sadly there are no pictures of that :'D

Well, I hope you enjoyed that post!
Please leave you thoughts / comments on the coord in the comments (´ω` ) 

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