Montag, 3. August 2015

♡Kairi's JapanCandyBox Review + Giveaway♡

Hey guys! 
It's me again *^*
We're already through two thirds of the year already,
time is flying like crazy, don't you think?
Hope you've all  been enjoying your summer breaks and holidays so far :)

I also want to thank all of you for making me reach 10,000 followers
on my tumblr!! You guys are amazing, honestly. Please keep enjoying my
posts and don't hesitate to inbox me if you feel like it, I'd love to talk to you all!

But back on topic,
I just recently received a mail from the owners of KawaiiBox in which
they introduced a new service to me named: JapanCandyBox
and asked me to give you guys a review!
JapanCandyBox is almost like KawaiiBox (click the link if you don't know
KawaiiBox), only that they send you random Japanese sweets and snacks instead of 
random cute stuff. It's also subscriptional, so once you've subscribed to it
for a certain time you will receive it every month.

Curious? Then check out my video review to see which
candies I had in my JapanCandyBox of the month, I'll be tasting
them as well and give you my opinion on them

Just like last time you'll also have the opportunity to get a taste 
(excuse the bad pun) of the newest JapanCandyBox, because together
with JapanCandyBox I'm doing a giveaway for you :)

The prize is of course one JapanCandyBox of the month.
The only mandatory rule is to follow my tumblr blog, since it's a
giveaway for my followers. I will check, so don't try to cheat ^^
You can enter the giveaway through the rafflecopter gadget below and
don't forget to write your URL in the gadget so I can find your blog.

Good luck!