Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015

Kairi's Born Pretty Review Part 1/2

Hello lovelies!
It's been a while since my last review, since I was
struggling quite a bit with recovering from the surgery I had  in December > < 
But now I'm back with part 1/2 of my review for Born Pretty!

Born Pretty is an online store that focuses mainly on beauty products
they also carry jewelry, some clothes and phone cases.
They also offer worldwide shipping, isn't that cool?

Also you can use my discount code KAIRH10 to get
10% off when you purchase from them.

In my first part I'm going to review this lip tint / lip gloss.
That's the stock photo:
I went for color #04

And that's what the product looks like:

The design is very cute and the brush makes it
easy to apply the product on the lips.

My first impression was that the color was even more
vibrant than on the stock photo, but as you can see below
it's not quite as vivid.

Here's a side to side comparison of my lips without
and with the lip tint on it.



As you can see the difference is not too big, 
it's actually a bit more visible in "real life", but still
it's just a slight change in color. 

Product Rating: 3/5
I really thought the color would be more
visible when applied, also the consistency is much
more like a gloss rather tan a lip tint / lip stain.
It kind of smelled a bit weird too > <
I still like the natural glossy look tho!

Store rating: 5/5
The communication was very fast and everyone
I wrote with was very nice and considerate.
The shipping and packing was good too.

That's it for today, I hope you enjoyed the post and
that you're going to check out Born Pretty!
Don't forget to use my discount code KAIRH10 at the checkout. 
Also if you liked the post please comment and follow
and if you want and check out my other social websites:
twitter: @MAD_KaiKai
Instagram: kairichang

Stay tuned for part 2